When Walt Disney contaminated Snow White he changes a significant amount of content that wasn't even in the original fairytale by the Brothers Grimm. Content such as the focus on the Seven Dwarves by giving them names .and personalities, and having Snow White being somewhat of a figure of power in her contract with the Dwarves in that she told them what to do not them telling her what she should do in terms of her service to the household. Another change that Disney changed was how the prince played a role in the story, in the movie he professed his love for Snow White in the beginning and him saving her from the death by poison apple by a kiss. In the fairytale he wasn't mentioned until he just happened to show up and want to buy the coffin and not really seeing Snow White just putting her with an object and not really acknowledging her, and when he does get the coffin the servants who carry it down from the mountain slips and the coffin gets jolted and dislodged the apple from Snow Whtie's throat, saving her from death.

Snow White premiered in 1937, the US is still in the Great Depression and it won't be out of it until 4 years later. Walt Disney added the Dwarves' personalities and the saving Snow White with a kiss instead of by happenstance like in the fairytale because he wanted to create a world that would distract the US from the hardships of the Depression and the rising tensions in Europe. He also diverted from the original tale to spread his ideals and somewhat modernize what the brother Grimm had written. Also, he made the changes to make it more kid-friendly with the Dwarves and give them something to relate to along with Snow White.
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