Week 2 Comparing "The Brothers Grimm" to the real Brothers Grimm

Image result for the brother grimm movie"The Brothers Grimm" by Terry Gilliam shows the Grimm Brothers going throughout Germany putting on shows to convince the locals that they are getting rid of the supernatural. After one of these shows or scams to put it harshly they are brought before a French general who persuades them to go a small village and find out what happened to the 10 girls who disappeared from the village. When they reach the village they meet Angelika who is the daughter of a woodsman who when missing aswell and the brothers started this sort of love triangle with her and it was a decent part of the movie.

Image result for what religion were the grimm brothersComparing this to the real story of the Brothers Grimm they were never con artists or scammers they were deeply involved in their studies and want to show that Germany as a whole goes back to the dawn of civilization by telling stories that could only be told not written because they were brought down through the generations orally. There also never was an Angelika, Wilhelm did marry to Dortchen, but Jacob did not marry nor be in a love triangle with Wilhelm and a woman. It was also depicted in the film they Brothers Grimm partied a lot which in real life they very much did not they were allowed to drink nor take part in parties because they were both devout Calvinists.

 The film although it does show some parts of their lifes actucatly such as their sibling being sick, and them being in some what destitution after their father died. The movie grossly gets alot wrong such as the brothers being con artists, partying, and having a love triange with Angelika.


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